Stroller Yoga
This is not my stroller. This is not my baby. This is not my house. However, I am a nanny, a birth doula, a yoga instructor, and an aspiring midwife. I love babies. I love to get to know each and every one's little personality differences. This one particular baby, whose feet and chubby legs are displayed in the photos below, LOVES to take a nap in her stroller. She also likes the stroller to be moving till she falls I created this easy little series of poses so I could stretch while she sleeps. Some of the poses can be done by using the stroller as a tool to help you balance, stretch deeper, OR continue holding onto the handle while you gently rock the baby back to sleep. Also recommended for stretches in the park after a nice long walk or jog! Try to remain in every pose for 3 breaths to 1 minute...or whatever feels comfortable for you. Repeat pose on each side. If you've just had a baby...wait for the green light from midwife or doctor to practice.
Tadasana. Feel your feet on the ground and reach your arms up over your head. Let your side body stretch. Let your chest open and your tailbone move down towards your heels. |
Downward facing Dog Variation: Slowly fold forward and bring your hands to the handle of the stroller. You may have to walk your feet back so that your feet are under your hips. Press your hands into the stroller and stretch your tailbone back. Keep your lower belly (between your belly button and pubic bone) pulled gently in and up so that your low back doesn't sag too low. |
Utkatasana: Walk your feet back towards your stroller. Keep your feet hip width distance apart. Bend your knees and bring your buttocks in the direction of your heels. You can lift your arms over your head OR hold onto the stroller for balance or to keep rocking baby. |
Warrior II: The are two options here. Either have your right knee facing the stroller and hold onto handle with right hand OR right knee facing away from stroller and hold on with your left hand. Bring balance onto both feet equally. Keep your bent knee directly over your ankle and keep the outer side of the straight leg grounded down. Sometimes the hip of the bent knee wants to lift (kind of like when you are holding a baby on one side and you have to life your hip up), so bring it down so it's even with the straight leg hip. |
Warrior I: From the previous pose turn the hip of the straight leg all the way forward so both hip bones are facing the stroller. You can lift both arms up OR hold on for balance. Again make sure your hips stay aligned with each other. |
High Lunge: Continue to lift the heel of your straight leg off the floor. It may be a little bit more difficult to balance in this pose so use the stroller till you find it. Keep your bent knee DIRECTLY over your ankle and your back leg straight. |
High Lunge Variation: Stay in high lunge and lift the arm of your straight leg up and then side stretch in the direction of the bend knee side. You should feel an amazing stretch in the front of your straight leg thigh and hip. |
Warrior III: From high lunge, walk your feet back into the downward facing dog variation you did at the very beginning. Lift one leg up and back. Flex the foot of the lifting leg. Keep your hips |
Ardha Chandrasana: This pose may be a little advanced for some, but give it a try. Place the hand of your standing leg onto the bottom of the stroller and open your hips up. Keep the foot of your lifted leg flexed so you can stretch it away from the stroller and get the full effect of the pose. |
Vrikshasana: Come to standing. Bring your feet hip width distance apart. Hold onto the stroller with one hand and lift the leg opposite leg up and open the knee and hip out to the side. Place the foot onto the inside of the calf or thigh of the standing leg. Press the leg into the foot and the foot back into the leg. Keep your pelvis aligned!!!!! Repeat on the other side. |
Natarajasana: Turn to face the stroller. Hold onto to the foot of your lifted leg. Push the foot into your hand and the hand back into your foot till your chest begins to open. you should feel stability of your standing leg, a gentle backbend, and a great stretch in the front of your lifted leg thigh. Don't forget to repeat the other side! |
Baddha Konasana: Come to a seated position and place the soles of your feet together. Use the stroller here in different place to stretch forward deeper and deeper. Remember to fold at your hips and not just between your shoulder blades. |
deeper |
and deeper....oops looks like the baby woke up....give the stroller a gentle rock and put it back to sleep. |
Janu Sirsanana: From Baddha Konasana, extend one leg straight and tuck the toes behind the bottom of the stroller. Twist gently from the hips toward the straight leg and fold forward over it. |
hold on lower to stretch DEEPER! |
Pavritta Janu Sirsana: Bring the forearm of your extended leg to the floor inside the leg. Hold onto the handle with your other hand and twist your hear to the sky. You should feel a wonderful stretch through the side body of the bent knee. Keep BOTH sitbones on the floor. Repeat other side. |
Straighten both legs and lock both feet under stroller. Bend one leg. Place the foot of the bent leg over the straight leg and twist toward the bent knee. Place the arm of the bent knee behind you and hold onto the handle with the arm of the straight leg. Do both sides. If pregnant...twist towards the straight leg. |
Paschimottanasana: Straighten both legs and hook your feet under the stroller. Keep your legs as straight as you can and begin to fold forward holding onto the stroller in different places to stretch deeper. |
Lay down on your back and place your feet under or on the stroller handle. Allow your back to rest to the floor. Keep your tailbone on the ground. Let your legs stretch. |
Stay here as long as you can. If you are pregnant...practice with caution. Remember to breath!!!! |
art director: Emma Schluntz
baby in stroller: the one and only "L cat"
Oh Addy, How I love you both so much! This is amazing!! Well done!
ReplyDeleteNeat! Have you ever heard of yoga during labor? I love doing yoga and want to incorporate some poses while I am laboring because I think that it will help me relax through my home birth. I want to put together a list of poses that would potentially help. Any advice?